
Assessment of Post-Stroke Aphasia Recovery using Brain Connectivity Analysis

Assessment of Post-Stroke Aphasia Recovery using Brain Connectivity Analysis

The purpose of this study is to examine the cortical responses in stroke patients suffering from aphasia before and after therapeutic treatment. Machine learning techniques will be utilized to measure the connectivity in the brain’s network together with predicting the neuro plasticity of the brain after therapy towards predicting rehabilitation outcomes. The study will explore the functional connectivity in resting state of the brain networks by:

  1. Investigating the measures of EEG resting state to determine the biomarkers for assessment of brain impairment of language disorder resulting from aphasia.
  2.  Evaluating post-treatment by comparing brain activity before and after electric stimulation.
  3. Enabling personalized treatment by identifying Electrophysiological biomarkers of brain reorganization for aphasic patients. This study is in fulfillment of the co-operation between ITCS-NU and Neuromodulation Lab, Demerdash hospital, Ain Shams University. The EEG and clinical data of patients are collected with consent by our partners in Neuromodulation Lab. The analysis and the connectivity algorithm developed by the research assistant Eng. Heba Ali. The same algorithm applied on another dataset that obtained from g.tec medical engineering GmbH, an Austrian company.